let it rain...

Posted by Hina

let it rain when my heart aches
let it rain when it thrives
let it rain on happy times
let it rain on painful archives

let it dampen my laments
let it shower over tears
let it drizzle over smiles
let it moisten dry fears

let it submerge me in a freshness
so my soul never withers
let it nurture me to a blossom
so my heart never shrivels

let each tiny droplet
from the seas may rise
let all the heavenly drippage
the life in me oxidize

as love moves me to blushes
let the rain fall down upon me
A mighty aerated lightening
let the rain strike down upon me

let the ankles drown in puddles
let the skin douse in a shiver
let the peacock perched within me
in a dance - catch a fever!

let it shine through the pelting
in a rainbow let me beam
let me swim into the rain
like a salmon upstream....

'let it rain let it rain
let the rain fall down on me'

(Eric Clapton is duly acknowledged for the inspirational last lines)


  1. Niyaa

    this is beautifullllll.. and melodious too.. in the unconventional way that we find the sound of rain melodious.. :) i love it! and want to read again and again!

  1. Hina

    Oh thanks!
    Im touched that you like my silly kindergarten rain poem so much...(sobbing):)

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