Make Believe

Posted by Hina

im like half a curtain
drawn to you, but can't and won't
come all the way to meet you
you have to tread the same distance or more
to meet me here.

meet me here
for the sun is harsh on my face
for i need some shade, shower, security
barring pesky reality from view
closer to a cocoon, draped of me and you

Must we lie suffocatingly symmetrical
like two cushions of different designs
on the same sofa?

im too afraid, too too afraid
come take me by the hand and show me
how to open my eyes to a plunge
teach me to let go
to embrace you
to face you
look into your eyes
and not be afraid to claim you as my own

teach me slowly, tenderly
how to take your hand in mine
and have it there forever
teach me the conviction of eternity

hover over me like a banyan
green and fragrant and full
let me hug your bark and soil my clothes
let your strong roots steady my shaking heart

tread slowly like a thief
but firm and daring
drown my fears with chloroform
show me the place where all is fair

whisper softly to my disbelief
this isn't too ideal to be true
there are flaws, there needs some work
that the house of my dreams
creaks by the door

And then assure me you will mend it.


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